Friday, January 4, 2019

Forgiveness on My Mind

Messiah's words make it sound like forgiveness from our Heavenly Father is contingent on more than just our asking and Messiah's death and resurrection.  We have to forgive others!!!  It's not even in the fine print or subject to interpretation.  It's in red letters!
Matthew 6 and Mark 11 both contain verses that are quite clear about forgiveness and draw the direct correlation between our forgiveness and forgiving others.  Then there is the Lord's Prayer that makes it clear, as well.

I've been following along social media and the "religiously justifiable" reasons to unfriend and block.  In my perspective, that rings of unforgiveness, and got me thinking.  So many of our relationships are now through digital and internet means, so how do the words of Messiah apply to our 21st century lifestyle?  The internet is filled with annoying people and if we spent as much time in the general public as we do online, not to mention a moment or two in the mirror; we'd discover real time people can be just as annoying.  Perhaps that realization is the reason so many folks prefer a digital presence in this world.

Social media has me pondering about forgiveness in regard to unfriending and blocking.  I only have one criteria for unfriending and that is when one has claimed to be a follower of Messiah/Christian and then denies him.  That is the end of a digital friendship, as I don't want the anti-message posted to my wall, but I don't block.  I've never blocked anyone, but I've been blocked.  Blocking prohibits any resolution of the offense, and I have trouble with that in light of Scripture.  It seems like unforgiveness.  I may be wrong, but that's where I am at this current time.

Another perspective I've come to understand, at least for myself is; it's easier to forgive someone that makes me mad than it is to forgive someone that hurts me, and I wanted to make certain I didn't hold on to any hurt!  When it comes to witnessing someone hurting someone else, I don't have any trouble setting them straight, so there's nothing for me to forgive.  We tend to excuse, some even glorify offense, like it's some sort of martyrdom.  It isn't, it just isn't!  Hurt feelings are very real and so is offense, but it's not necessarily a badge of righteousness.

As I was praying, I asked Father, since we are created in His image and He can literally blot out and forget our sins, if that same ability was available for me.  To my surprise, He said, I already had that ability . . . I have a very good memory, so I sometimes forget humanity has the ability to forget.  I don't know how this "gift" came about in my life, but if I write something down, it's gone.  Perhaps it goes back to my childhood and hearing adults say, "I better write this down, I'll forget it."  Since I was a kid, if I wanted to remember something, I did NOT write it down.  By that same token, when I wrote a number down, I never remembered it again.  As it turns out, this ability to forget what I write, not only works with numbers, but with words as well!  It was as if I couldn't retain something that had traveled from my brain to my hands.  A few years ago, I wrote the cookbook, "Sweet Memories and Happy Plates."  Those recipes that had been in my head for ages and ages, went on paper.  Now I have to look the recipes up in the cookbook to make the same dishes I'd been preparing for over 30 years.

In writing my last book, Father had told me to be raw and organic . . . I was writing about emotional issues many of us face, from an often overwhelming perspective.  I'm not one to share a great deal of personal information, but I knew that was needed this time.  Since this was different for me, I knew it would take some serious editing.   I wasn't sure how much information was too much information.  Interestingly, after writing it, then reading over certain statements, I tore up the pages and threw them away.  The pain had been gone for some time, but the offense was finally over, the memories had faded, as well as the associated emotions.  It was so wonderful!
We are to forgive as we've been forgiven.  For sin to be blotted out, seems to indicate the offense was written.  He blots out our sin by His own right hand.  Isaiah 59:16

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of ADONAI;  Acts 3:19

I get rid of reminders, also.  I've gotten rid of outfits, gifts, whatever item is a reminder of a bad situation just needs to be gone!  I've never sold the reminders, but I have donated everything from kitchen items to clothing.  If it blesses someone else in their need, they have nothing but a "good bargain" to remember.  As for getting rid of reminders, again, the offense and the emotions associated are gone.  Of course, I pray and speak release from the offenses and hurts. 

Repentance and forgiveness are the major factors in establishing our relationship with our Heavenly Father.  Not only are we called to repent of our sin against Him and His Word, but we must also repent from holding offense against those who offend us.  Holding an offense is unforgiveness and unforgiveness is a barrier in a relationship with our Heavenly Father.

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:  But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.  Matthew 6:14-15

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Passion, Priorities, and Behavior are a Choice

Consensual sexual behavior is a choice, ALWAYS.  Mind you, I said "consensual."  This does not include rape or abuse . . .   To give consent is to agree to participate, therefore; a choice.  For the past several years, the claim of the LGBT . . . is that a person is born gay and has no choice.  Now, Kevin Spacey  has "come out" and says otherwise.  'I choose now to live as a gay man':
Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The fact of the matter for all of us, is, we choose the actions we take, and consensual sex is based upon a choice to act.

As a less than passionate person when it comes to sex, I've given some thought to not only my feelings, but done my best to look at sexuality from a Scriptural perspective.  It is possible, however; to simply "not burn with passion" as the Apostle Paul indicated.  Although long term abstinence in marriage is not G-d's plan for a man and woman, if it is mutual, the legal marriage/partnership can be maintained . . . for years.  As it turns out, we humans really haven't changed much.  For some of us, passion is not expressed sexually, and it's really work to try to do so.

Although Ezekiel 16:49 gives specific reasons as to why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, Genesis indicates there was an open, brazen immorality in those cities as well.  I found it interesting that Lot had two daughters and two sons-in-law, indicating marriage, but he told the townsmen, his daughters had never been with a man.  I've heard an explanation, claiming to understand the custom of that day and the term marriage was really more like "engaged," but the consummation of Isaac and Rebekah's marriage in Genesis 24, pretty much disproves that theory.  I've also heard the theory that Lot had more than the two daughters mentioned, but Scripture doesn't confirm that.  My theory is a bit simpler.  Since the sons-in-law elected to not leave with Lot and family, it sounds like they preferred the men of Sodom . . .

As mentioned earlier, not all of us are sexually passionate.  Before this sexual agenda of our modern day, I truly believe there were what used to be called, spinsters, and "confirmed bachelors."   I don't believe all those single women and men were gay, they just had different priorities.  On the other hand, some of them might very well have preferred the same sex, but it certainly was not openly declared as their "identity."  Sadly, I believe many young people are being influenced to identify as gay, when they are simply not "burning with passion" for the opposite sex.  Now that it is being introduced at such a young age, we need to remember, there is a natural phase of childhood in which boys do not like girls and vice versa!  That doesn't mean all the second graders are gay!  The Apostle Paul was a man with a mission and that was his passion.  Paul also mentions in the last days, humans will be "lovers of self;" while "love" has sadly been mistranslated and redefined in an overtly sexualized society.

 I believe King Solomon has been misunderstood through the years.  The man had 700 wives and 300 concubines and his comments about women were not all that positive . . . I'm guessing many of his marriages were political in nature, and we are told that he built a separate palace for one of his first wives.  So rather than think he was always chasing women, I'm thinking he couldn't find a woman to suit him.  We know he was poetic, years later remembered for his "clothing of splendor," and there are a couple of indications he was a mama's boy.   Am I stereotyping?  Perhaps . . .

In a recent discussion, I was asked if I thought Solomon was gay.  First, we do know that he had great regard for Torah, the law of G-d, so no; I do not believe he participated in sexual sin.  I then went on to say, in reading Ecclesiastes, I'd say he had some issues, but he had a respect of Torah and was far too wise to limit himself to be defined by his sexuality.  He was a man and knew he was a man with a very powerful position in life.  He had more on his mind than his own body!  Back before all this "free time" folks didn't have so much time to ponder their feelings and question their bodies . . . It's not so long ago that men were recognized for their careers and professions.

My mother was greatly concerned that I was not feminine enough, so she insisted that I participate in things that really didn't interest me, for example; piano lessons.  I also learned to sew and although I don't really care for sewing, none of the feminine endeavors hurt me a bit . . . I'm just not terribly talented in some of these areas.  I truly appreciate that I can sew and provide keyboard accompaniment, but also that I've had the opportunity to hunt, fish, do farm work, and run a business, as a woman!  I don't really understand why talents and accomplishments were ever labeled gender specific.  I can't really think of a famous female pianist, and there have been male tailors throughout time.  It's our society that made sexuality such an issue, and now with all the strange additives to food, entirely too much free time, and influence of the agenda; people are choosing confusion.  Meanwhile, what are they actually accomplishing, beyond spreading the confusion?

Bruce Jenner is the perfect example of what I'm saying.  As a man, he was the most diverse athlete in the 1976 Olympics, winning the Decathlon.  I read he's the father of 6 children and has been a motivational speaker.  Now that he's decided to be a woman, what's he done?  Had his picture taken and given interviews about his wardrobe . . .

We are born in the body in which we arrive and except in very rare cases, we have either XX or XY chromosomes.  There is nothing to debate.  Passion, priorities, and behavior are a choice, for each of us.

So G-d created man in His own image, in the image of G-d created He him; male and female created He them.    Torah of Holy Scripture

Thursday, June 22, 2017

From a Pharmacist and Nutritionist

I can tell you that these facts are something to consider before taking prescription medicines:
10 Interesting Medications Facts:
1. The osteoporosis medication Fosamax (and others like it) were designed to trick a bone density scan, by keeping the dead bone in the bone matrix. Dead bone is supposed to float away in the blood but Fosamax forces the dead bone to stay. This weakens the bones until the bone often disintegrates into dust, most often happening in the hip or jaw. The lawsuits against Fosamax and other drugs like it are massive.
2. Pain medications can increase heart attack risk because pain killers shut off nerve communication in the body (so you can't feel the pain) but unfortunately the heart and brain also need nerve communication to operate. Pain killers can stop this communication, causing an increased incidents of heart attacks.
3. Birth control pills were first tried on both men and women. In the male group, the scrotum and gonads both shrunk in test subjects, so the idea was canceled. Some in the female group died, so the dose was readjusted. Only males were in charge of this experiment. :(
4. Statin drugs stop the liver from producing cholesterol and cholesterol is used in the body to make other compounds, one of which is co-enzyme Q-10. CoQ10 is needed to contract muscles. Some fatal accidents have occurred when people driving cars (and taking statin drugs) have been believed caused because the drivers were no longer able to contract their leg muscles to work the brake or gas pedals and drove off the road, killing themselves or others.
5. Beta blockers (given for high blood pressure) are designed to make sure the heart doesn't beat too fast. People on these medications should not exercise vigorously because a higher heart rate is needed to oxygenate working muscles and remove waste from energy production. With the heart being blocked from beating fast when exercising (by the beta blocker), a host of emergency situations can occur.
6. A leading side effect of antidepressants is increased depression and suicidal thoughts. 50% of people prescribed antidepressants stop taking them within 3 months, simply because they're too toxic and the side effects too severe.
7. The average weight gain with antidepressants is 40lbs in a year. Weight gain above 100lbs has been recorded in patients taking antidepressants, over a 12 month period. When the body is toxic, it increases hormones that increase fat gain and water retention, in order to dilute toxic concentrations. Anything that makes you gain weight, means your body is being poisoned. The greater the weight gain, the more powerful the poison.
8. Heartburn medications for GERD (acid reflux) block the stomach's production of hydrochloric acid, which in turn doesn't allow food to digest properly. This leads to fatigue and a general energy crisis in the body, which leads to more disease because the body can't effectively extract the energy and nutrition from food without the proper concentrations of stomach acid.
9. Over the counter antacids, like Rolaids and Tums, contain dangerously high levels of aluminum which have been proven to cause toxic effects, many of which are in the brain and neurological system. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MD, MS. ALS...all related.
10. Antibiotics destroy the intestinal gut flora in the body, which is proven to actually organize and run the body's immune system. Biotic means "life" in Latin so an antibiotic is anti-life, killing many beneficial things in the body as well. When antibiotics destroy the beneficial gut bacteria, as well as other overgrown negative gut flora, this often leads to long-term dysfunction in immunity. This is why most people taking antibiotics, continue with recurring infections at regular intervals through the year.
Researched and written by:
Frances Amaroux

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Reported Death of Anthony Palmer

When I first saw the breaking headlines, a strange thought crossed my mind.  I had just seen a video of him with Kenneth Copeland in which they both gave me a serious check in my spirit. Not my usual, eye roll about Kenneth Copeland, but a very uncomfortable [chapter of the Revelation] check in my spirit.  Then there was the Joel Osteen interview after meeting the Pope. I realize I don't have a clear chronological order to these, because I do not follow the teachings of these particular religious leaders.  I find it spiritually unsettling and completely non edifying to watch pastors and teachers whom I believe to be heretics.  I don't want to fill my mind or my spirit with that sort of information.

 It seemed like it was just a few days or weeks after seeing this coming together of Protestants and the Vatican, I saw the headline that Pastor/Bishop/Priest Anthony Palmer had died . . .  Again, a strange connection to the passage in the Revelation about one of the heads of the beast being wounded to death, yet his deadly wound was healed . . . Rev. 13:3.  Seriously, the first time I saw this guy, he hit that cord in me of being one of the potential heads of this coming together, and I saw in his photograph, something about "no regard for women" from the Daniel prophecy, as well.

I don't know that Anthony Palmer is the specific individual in the prophecy, but he clearly represents how it could come about.  Religion as we now see it will be a major player in the coming together to bow down at the image of the beast.  We're also told that there will be miracles in the end of days, and even the elect could be deceived.  So if Anthony Palmer makes a reappearance, will it be inaccurate reporting of his death, or a "proposed miracle?"  The three Abrahamic religions will come together in the NWO, so naturally the Protestants and Catholics would have to unite before this occurs.  We can't forget that the Pope speaks rather well of Islam.

As I searched for more information about this individual who had supposedly died last week, I became somewhat skeptical.  I'm not a firm believer in mainstream media, but they do cover the deaths of high profile folk.  Paul Crouch's death made the mainstream news.  Oral Roberts death did as well, as did even the wife of Billy Graham, Ruth.  High profile religious leaders do make the news when they "fall" or die.   The only reports of the death of Anthony Palmer came from religious news sources, Kenneth Copeland's site included.  Which brought me to the next uncomfortable thought.  I don't trust mainstream media and I know there are things the corporate leaders choose to not cover, but the alternative news sources didn't jump on it either . . . just a few religious sites and another uncomfortable fact quickly became obvious.  There was really only one source and it was continuously repeated through the other religious sites.  If nothing else, it seems a confirmation as to how so many religious teachings just gained momentum, without regard for the truth.

I honestly do not know if Anthony Palmer is dead or alive, and in the information age, that is a big red flag.  It certainly has given me pause to consider just how simple it could be to deceive millions.

Kenneth Copeland says Anthony Palmer died at 6:50am, July 20, 2014

Now the End Begins

Catholic Online

* I stand corrected on religious news sources only, and I hadn't found it in the first two searches, but TrueNews also reported on the death, but it's a very different report than Kenneth Copeland's.

*Also since I began this search, a video that recorded the hospital's response to an inquiry about his condition, has been removed.  I viewed it once and went back to link it here to discover it had been removed.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Although I do not use the luni-solar calendar nor do I promote it, I found the rest of this video to be interesting.  I, personally, do not believe any of us can know how all the details of the Revelation will unfold, but Scripture does tell us, Messiah is coming back for a spotless bride.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Answered Prayer in Devastation

The third anniversary of the Joplin tornado has just passed and there are times it still evokes strong emotion in me.  I was blessed to meet with our very own storm chaser, Gerry Davis, and suffice it to say;  tornadoes evoke very different emotions in the two of us.

I had just sold the "starter-stead" the Friday before the tornado roared through Joplin, Sunday evening.  The north sky was very dark that evening as I did chores, and it was raining, but I had no idea what was taking place just thirty miles away.  It wasn't until later that evening, I turned on the computer to discover an F5 tornado had destroyed a vast portion of Joplin.  Three years later, much of the devastation is still apparent.

When I saw the path of the tornado, it occurred to me that the address of the young couple who had bought the place, was in that path.  The real estate deal was a simple one, as it was an owner finance situation.  I tried their number, but of course, the call would not go through.  My phone service was restored in a couple of days, but something happened Monday that cannot be explained in any other way, but the hand of our Heavenly Father.

That night as I prayed, my heart was so heavy, knowing there were so many people unaccounted for.  As it continued to rain, I thought of those who were trapped under rubble, not yet rescued.  I was also thankful though, due to the size of the class, the High School graduation had been held at the college that was not in the path.  The High School was destroyed by the tornado.  There were fatalities, but the number would have risen by hundreds, had the graduation taken place at the High School.  I also prayed that somehow, I could know if that young couple, who had bought the place, and their two children were safe.  Knowing, I was not a relative or anyone of significance in their life, I certainly could not contact any emergency services to make inquiry.

The next morning I awoke to a very dark cloud, and the Voice spoke from that cloud, "Man was not given domain over the skies, stop cloud seeding, weather is not to be in hands of man."  I posted that later in my updates blog.  Meanwhile, I knew Joplin needed supplies, and I was far enough away, my local Dollar Store wasn't wiped out, yet; so I did what I could to reduce their inventory and take it to Joplin.  There was a parking lot designated for emergency supplies, and there was a line, two actually.  One for those bringing supplies, and one for those in need.

As I moved forward in the line toward the drop off point, coming toward me in the other line, was the young couple and their children.  I can't even type this without being overcome . . . They had survived, as many had, in their bathtub.  The place where they had been living was no longer inhabitable, and their vehicle had been destroyed, but they were all alive and uninjured.

As I praised Adonai and thanked Him for their safety, and the safety of so many, I also thanked Him for that perfect timing.    

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Denying Y'hshuwah Messiah is Not Exactly a New Concept

The Apostle John addressed the issue of denying Messiah in the first of his three short letters.  Paul mentioned it and named names at the time.  As I considered the latest wave of social media announcements of denial, my heart was grieved.  As I sought comfort, I came to a fuller understanding of Romans 8:26, and along with that fuller understanding, YHWH reminded me that this has been going on since Messiah came the first time and will continue until His return.

Many of us are aware, by now, that Constantine's Nicene council placed the first official wedge between the Christ of the New Testament and the promised Messiah of Israel.  Constantine is really the "father" of Roman Catholicism and by separating his Christ from Judaism in reality, designed a "mascot" promoting lawlessness, for his politically correct religion.  Popes were, for all practical purposes, worshiped . . .  The followers did not deny Messiah, but did "separate" Him from Torah.  A quick translation lesson here.   In the Hebrew: מָשִׁ֫יחַ  is transliterated Mashiach.  Mashiach translates to Messias, in both Greek and Latin, and I've already used the English translation, Messiah.  Christ is not really an accurate English translation of the Hebrew term:  Mashiach.

Without a great deal of research regarding the Dark Ages, the name of this period, alone; indicates the absence of "the Light."  It wa s time of illiteracy and superstition.  By the time the Protestant Reformation came to be, one of the best known names, Martin Luther, was openly anti-Semitic, thus even when translating Scripture for the common man, the division between the Messiah of Israel and the Christ of Christianity remained.  As factions separated themselves from the Roman Catholic Church, few actually changed much.  Sunday remained the day chosen for worship, as most Protestants did not return to Sabbath keeping, as the first century believers had done.  The Feasts remained "Jewish" rather than Biblical, even though Romans clearly states believers are grafted into Israel.

Separating the Instruction from the Example and Sacrifice has been done throughout history.  Sadly, now, we are seeing the renaissance of Pharisaic Judaism in the denial of Messiah, with one exception, and that exception is of everlasting consequence.  The Pharisees never acknowledged Y'hshuwah as Messiah.  Traditional Judaism clearly cannot see their promised Messiah in the Christian Jesus!  This wave of becoming a believer, to church hopping to Hebraic roots, to Talmud, to denial of Messiah is the path to which there is no return, and it is not the narrow path!

For those who have not yet recognized Messiah, there is still hope.  For those who have been deceived into believe Messiah rendered Torah obsolete, there is still hope, but . . . Hebrews 6:4-6 states for those who have followed Messiah, claimed redemption in Him, then chosen to turn and follow Him no more, there is no more hope of repentance.